Wednesday, May 10, 2023


Neurographic art is a therapeutic art form, which has gained vast popularity ever since Dr. Pavel Piscarey first coined the term in 2014.  Neurographica has been scientifically validated and proven, and it is one of the most widely used psychological techniques in art therapy today.  Also know as doodling, neurographic art is a technique, which compromises drawing freeform lines or "neuro lines".  

Wow!  Who knew!  Not me! When I was kid and was bored with nothing to do, I would take out a piece of paper, draw lines on it, straight/wiggly, and then proceed to color.  Just like the picture above.  At the time, I did not know this was a "thing".  Had I known, I would have been the one credited for discovering this back in the 60s.

Neruographic art above is by Melinda Knott.