Monday, January 27, 2020


What is a Zine?
(Pronounced Zeen)

A "Zine" is a small, self published booklet that falls somewhere 
between a newsletter and a magazine.

Zines have been created all over the world for quite some time now.  The history of today's incarnation of the Zine can be traced back to sci-fi fanzines of the 1930-60s.  The 1970s is when the rise of the Punk Zines came about, but the 1980-90s ushered in the Zine explosion.

A Zine is not hard to make.  The size of a Zine will determine on the size of the paper you use.  It can be made as simple or elaborate as you would like.  Only a few simple tools are needed to make a Zine.  Paper (your choice), mark making tools, and/or collage papers.  
A Zine can be on any topic from Art to Political, Text to Drawings, and so on.

This link has some great ideas for topics to use in your Zine:

Your Zine can be bound using either a stapler, pamphlet stitch, gluing it together, or left unbound should want to make additional copies.

For my Zine, I selected the topic of "Birds".

I used collage elements, colored pencils/pens, some text, and left a blank page to be filled in later.  But for now I think I will leave it blank.  I chose to leave my Zine unbound, so that I am able to make additional copies at a later time.

I hope that you found this topic on Zines a little interesting and that you will try to make one of your own.